Tuesday 18 January 2011

Imitation of Me

Continuing in the vein of self-mockery and introspection of one's own image, comes the following piece. The first image in the sequence is a still from a video documentary, in which I eagerly present the item of discussion with passion, so that it and I may be taken seriously. And then pulling the old 'freeze somebody mid-speech trick' gives the wonderful image - revealing (or creating) the fool. The subsequent self-portraits are an imitation and a jest of that attempt to appear sincere.

Imitation of Me  (click to enlarge)

I'm steadily developing a continuing use of the 'PhotoBooth' application on Mac, which is essentially using a webcam to take pictures and make videos of yourself. Wonderful!

There's a history to the fascination of this activity. One of its early pioneers was Gary Brolsma with the now incredibly infamous 'Numa Numa Dance'. This has become one of the most viewed viral videos in the history of the web, it sparked a craze with web cam performances, (one of the most notable follow-ups being 'Two Chinese Boys'). More on this phenomenon later.

Imitation of Me (detail)

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