Friday 28 January 2011

Structure Planning

Today I presented the research to date to the group and the Wise Ones. In preparation for this I drew up an initial plan of the structure of my presentation, based on what I have discovered so far and the specific direction I want the talk to take.

Title: Self-portrait, Self-mockery, and the Mirror

Intro: Seeking to explain Self-mockery in photography and video (and visual art/culture).
1.     The curiosity and intrigue of the mirror/reflection. Our interest in viewing our own image.
2.     The consciousness of presentation - the desire to be revered, to give best impression.
3.     Awareness of an image's ability to immortalise character.
4.     The will to make/possess/show images which display our desired qualities - an explanation of vanity?
5.     Then the response to mock ourselves, our narcissism, vanity, and self-centredness.
6.     However, self-mockery being humour, gives us a position of performing to be funny, to make others laugh, to be liked, all about us(me) again..

Relevant artists: 
·        Boris Mikhailov – Self-portraits
·        Bjorn Veno – Mann 
·        Steve Coogan – The Trip

Other Areas (these are things I plan to mention but not discuss, and also for questions afterwards):
      Masquerade, dressing up, performing as another: Cindy Sherman, Yasumasa Morimura
      Femininity, concerning the appropriated images of women: Sarah Lucas     

Bjorn Veno - from Mann

Boris Mikhailov - Look at me I look at water

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