Friday, 4 February 2011

The skeleton needs some flesh

Today I received feedback from Ed Dimsdale for the planned structure which I had put together last week. Overall this seemed good. It is apparent that I need to be wary of the timing of the piece, as there is quite a lot of points I plan to make in support of my argument, but the flow of it is logical and it seems to present an interesting and original perspective.

I've added notes in red to explain the development and intended progression of each point.

Title: Self-portrait, Self-mockery, and the Mirror

Intro: Seeking to explain Self-mockery in photography and video (and visual art/culture). Rather than ‘seeking to explain’ it’s more the case of questioning what is happening, or may be happening, when artists et al use self-mockery.
1.     The curiosity and intrigue of the mirror/reflection. Our interest in viewing our own image. This is the widest context with which the argument fits into. Lacan can be used as reference, but rather than spending time on it, its significance across history and many schools (Psychology, philosophy etc.) needs to be raised, encourage the audience to accept and move on. 
2.     The consciousness of presentation - the desire to be revered, to give best impression. Erving Goffman’s ‘presentation of self..’ will support this. (reading to be done).
3.     Awareness of an image's ability to immortalise character. Could be considered as 2b. or 2+3 leads to 4. Again touch and don’t dwell on this. Worthwhile illustrating, or supporting this with theory if possible.
4.     The will to make/possess/show images which display our desired qualities - an explanation of vanity?: Rather a behaviour which has elements of vanity, narcissism, self-centredness. Barthes' thoughts on being photographed may assist this point - the relationships between viewer, subject and creator. A social media context may be relevant also – the facebook profile photos.
5.     Then the response to mock ourselves, our narcissism, vanity, and self-centredness. Use relevant artist examples here. Also some theory on Self-mockery would be useful, and may also help to explain point 6.
6.     However, self-mockery being humour, gives us a position of performing to be funny, to make others laugh, to be liked, all about us(me) again..

Relevant artists: 
·        Boris Mikhailov – I am not I, Football
·        Bjorn Veno – Mann - Skirgel
·        Steve Coogan - playing a version of himself in The Trip

Other Areas (these are things I plan to mention but not discuss, and also for questions afterwards):
      Masquerade, dressing up, performing as another: Cindy Sherman, Yasumasa Morimura
      Femininity, concerning the appropriated images of women: Sarah Lucas  Julie Pochron Tracy Emin. The issues surrounding gender are prominent in this field of discussion, and will need touching upon, as well as suit further discussion.

The main concern now that the structure is confirmed, is to flesh it out with strong and relevant content. The tutorial with Ed, his suggestions and the discussion we had, has given me the confidence to do this. He has also mentioned the importance I must place on deciding what images to use to illustrate the argument.

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