'Picturing the Body' module is drawing to a close soon (officially that is) and in the following few weeks I'm thinking of curating some of the work together into something of a collective piece. At present I'm thinking this will take the form of an online print-on-demand book/catalogue/magazine, most likely using a company like
Blurb, also with an online version that can be passed around quite easily. Considering that some strong work has been produced both within and external to the university it seems to me worthwhile to try and bring it together, and have something significant of this project as a whole.
So to all Picbod contributors: please feel free to send me your work for consideration (use email on this blog, or add a link with a comment). This could be your selected final images; or your 'best of' from the weekly tasks; or if there is just one theme which you've been following strongly then send that; basically anything which you feel confident about, and which you feel is relevant to the picturing the body module (image sizes of around 1-3MB should be fine). Obviously spend some time 'editing down', I can't look at everything, I'm only human! I have been going through the links from the picbod post on the New Photographics blog and plucking out images of interest to start making a rough edit, and getting an idea of what you all have to offer.
I'm also open to receiving writing pieces for the book. This could be writing to explain your own work, or to discuss the themes it focuses on, or it could be writing on the themes in general as discussed and lectured on during the module, or it could be writing on someone else's work within the module, whatever has moved, intrigued or excited you whilst we've been doing this project. Probably best to keep this fairly concise, say 250 - 1000 words approx.
Please note their will be no positive discrimination to those in the university or those who are my 'mates'. The work will be biased in the sense of my 'curatorial opinions' as to what will go towards a strong collective piece. This means that some people's work may feature more than others, and some may not feature at all. I think it is better to have a collective piece which speaks strongly of the module and this collaborative project/exhibition overall, rather than assigning everyone an equal space in the name of fair. Having said that, I would hope that all those who have been engaged with the module will have a place in this piece.
Hope to hear from you soon.